Friday, July 11, 2008

New Medianet Service

We have begun to add links to websites in our Medianet catalog. There are links to election sites such as CNN and MSNBC. A teacher can click on the link and go automatically to the website. Try it by searching for CNN or MSNBC in the media catalog.

We are also adding links to teachers guides on videos and DVDs. We began with PBS American Experience. Search for "New York Underground" to find one of these links. Click on the Resources link to be taken to the site.

We will be adding more links. If you find a link that you would like added please email to

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

2007-08 Copies

We have the final copy count for the year. We did 26,524,296 copies. Our busiest months were September, January and May.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

End of the Year Media Stats

Our new media catalog gives us some interesting information on usage for the 2007-08 school year.
51% of the "shipments" in June were digital
37% for the year were digital
The top 50 titles make up for 35% of the total bookings
73% of the booking was done online by the teachers
22% of the shipments were returned late
75% of the top 15 unavailable titles were Disney titles including Bill Nye