Thursday, December 20, 2007
LTAC notes
Randy Ray presented a discussion of Electronic Information and its storage. Tony will have the PowerPoint.
Tech plans need to be dated by now for 2008-09 e-rate if there are changes. Filing is taking place now.
Rick discussed the Centrex/VOIP bid. They need more time to look at the bids so a decision will not be made this month. 3 districts are anxiously awaiting the results.
Tony talked about the new distance learning class with Cayuga Community College with GIS. Matt Champlin's class and a class from Hannibal will begin in January. The committee for DL will meet in January to discuss next year. Some districts asked whether Verizon will come get the equipment that is now disconnected. We don't know when.
School Library System announced that Auburn will probably be joining the OPALS system which will give us a realtime Union Catalog.
The next meeting is January 17 and the main topic will be security.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Media Statistics for November
*59 PowerMediaPlus Requests
*210 VT and ND video requests
*305 total requests
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Odyssey of the Mind is coming
§ Auburn – 13
§ Cato-Meridian – 6
§ Jordan-Elbridge – 3
§ Moravia – 6
§ Port Byron – 5
§ Skaneateles – 23
§ Southern Cayuga – 5
§ Union Springs – 3
§ Weedsport – 4
Important dates and information are available at our website
Thursday, November 15, 2007
LTAC Meeting Notes
WAN Update/Centrex/tech plans were discussed. Rick Dillon explained the Centrex RFP which is out now. Districts are interested in looking at changing the way they look at phone service. 3 districts currently have Centrex agreements that need to be renewed or dropped. The WAN is now complete with the addition of Southern Cayuga. The Tut will be installed soon at Port Byron. Linda will check with Kathy Smith about the e-rate requests recently distributed. It appears to duplicate what Tony has asked for.
The group requested that we look at Nortel and Cisco phone solution demos for January. Rick and Linda will coordinate.
The Distance Learning room at the Regional Education Center is being installed today.
Rick discussed the CNYRIC move "across the street" to RODAX. The current RIC building will become OCM BOCES administration.
Randy Ray is scheduled to speak at the next LTAC about retention of e-mail. Steven Tryon from Oswego BOCES may come to speak on web building tools.
The School Library System now has 6 districts on OPALS and Auburn is considering it.
Jerry is catching up on AV/computer repairs. He talked about the Xerox/Tektronix printers and the plastic failure in them.
Linda talked about Soundzabound, the royalty free music, that was purchased for high schools a few years ago. There is now a fifth volume which will be purchased for each high school through the ISS co-ser.
Linda introduced middle school science teachers to video clips which are MP4 and can be loaded and searched within I-Tunes. They were excited about their use. Disks will soon be available for them to use and for districts to add to servers if they want.
Next meeting is December 20.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Media Request Facts
The top 5 requested videos were:
Ocean Life
Donald's Fire Drill
Dying High: Teens in the ER
The search used most often was Bill Nye.
There have been 428 bookings for videos and 27 for DVDs. There were 81 requests for videostreaming from PowerMedia Plus.
The busiest hour is 8-9 AM. Monday and Tuesday are the busiest days.
76% of the orders were placed via the internet.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
October Copy Service
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Copy Service Update
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Media Catalog Problems
Today we had a Denial of Service attack on our server. Mike tracked it down to an IP address in Amsterdam, Netherlands. That IP has been blocked and the server is back up. You should be able to log in.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Fall Media Previews
Cash Flow Fever (095841) MH 2005
Dominoes (095842) MH 2006
FROG/BUTTERFLY (095851) PI 2006
HAMAS VICTORY (095859) MH 2007
Kosovo—A House Still Divided? (095840) MH 2005
othello (095845) H 2006
Storytelling the Navaho Way (095838) PI 2007
Swin for the river (095839) MH 2006
A TEAM FOR PEACE (095853) M 2006
This Daniel Cook: Celebrations (095843) P 2005
This Daniel Cook: Interesting People, Interesting Jobs (095844) P 2005
Thursday, October 18, 2007
LTAC meeting notes
The 793 Plan was discussed. This is the regional plan which is submitted annually to SED. The group would like to see more information on the Help Desk from Oswego BOCES, investigation into SIF compliance. Over all everyone is happy with services. The members will publicize the regional survey to get more participation. The RIC will be looking at publishing network service agreements.
WAN update. Moravia is connected. They are also connecting the elementary school. Southern Cayuga is temporarily connected using "Plan F". The Time Warner connection should be in by the end of the month. This will mean that 51 districts will be connected to the WAN.
Videoconferencing/DL. Tony and Linda met with the Chief School Officers. A new committee of principals and guidance counselors will meet 4 times a year beginning next month to discuss DL scheduling and courses. Tony will meet with a sub-committee of the CSOs after each committee meeting. Videoconferencing is working! The BOCES DL room should be connected by the end of the month.
E-Rate. Please submit 2008-09 budgets now for technology. Linda has distributed the forms. Return the form to Linda asap. If you aren't sure, put it in.
Tech Plans. All plans approved in June should be linked on the CNYRIC website. Port Byron and Jordan-Elbridge will be doing new plans this year. Tony and Linda are available to help facilitate.
School Library System. The new SCOOLS catalog is up. Ann can update directly to it so regional updates can be done more quickly. Harry Chan will be speaking on November 6 about Trends for the 21st Century. Contact Ann to attend.
AV/Computer Repair. Jerry is working to get jobs done. Call him if something hasn't arrived back to your school.
Demos for the year. Oswego BOCES web service; Archving requirements for electronic documents and e-mail.
RIC report. RFP is out for voice service.
Next meeting is November 15. Deric Tallman will present School World at 9:30. Meeting will be 10-noon.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Media Council
We looked at previews that are currently available. We talked about the new media catalog and the connection to EdVideo Online (PowerMediaPlus). Nick talked about Double Down and the local schools that are participating.
The next meeting will be January 15
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Satellite Off-Air Taping
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Distinguished Service Award

Linda A. Nichols, Director of Instructional Support Services at Cayuga-Onondaga BOCES, received the 2007-08 Distinguished Service Award from the New York State BOCES Media/Technology Association (NYSBMTA). The award recognizes her for sharing her knowledge with the members of the association and for her contributions to the organization. It is presented each year to those members that have shown extraordinary effort in service to the organization. The award was presented at the annual Fall Conference in Cooperstown.
Linda was NYSBMTA President from 2001-02. She is currently chair of the Media Literacy Grant committee and serves on the Media Duplication Projects and the Digital Media committees. She previously served on the Executive committee as a Regional Representative. She has been a member for more than 15 years.
She has been at Cayuga-Onondaga BOCES since 2000. Prior to that she worked at Steuben-Allegany BOCES.
The NYS BOCES Media/Technology Association is made up of the people with responsibility for media and technology in the BOCES across the state. They support educators and students in the proficient use of media and technology.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Almost Caught Up
Thursday, September 13, 2007
LTAC update
We discussed the new Ethernet WAN. Rick talked about videoconferencing and the bandwidth that it will use. It will not impact your allotted internet bandwidth to conduct videoconferencing.
Tony discussed distance learning and a meeting in October for principals and guidance counselors from participating schools to discuss scheduling for next year.
Linda demonstrated the new media catalog and the link to EdVideo Online. She explained that WCNY would like students to have accounts in EdVideo. This can be accomplished with an SIS download. It will not be done without a request from each school or district.
The group discussed demos for the year. Deric Tallman from the CNYRIC will be asked to demo School World (to develop websites). Curriculum related demos will be referred to curriculum council.
Rick talked about the redundancy that is being built into the WAN.
Ann said that three more districts are using the OPALS open source library software. She also asked that you let her know if you change IP ranges so that the database vendors can update their logins.
Tony said he needs the e-rate forms back. They were due in July. He will send them again.
Next meeting is October 18, 10-noon. Deric Tallman will present School World on November 15 at 9:30 AM.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
EdVideo Online
If you are new and don't have a login to our media catalog you can request one from Judy.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Cable TV and Off-Air Taping
Our satellite dish has been moved to the new site and will be installed soon. When it is installed we will be able to do teleconferences and the Annenberg channel as we have done before. We will not be able to get cable channels with the satellite dish.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Copies and more copies
In the media center, we are working with the new media system. We plan to load the EdVideo Online (PMP) titles next week so that you can search the catalog and get the videostreaming titles without an extra login to EdVideo. I'll let you know when they are loaded.
Have a great weekend!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Tuesday Copy Update
If there are things that you won't need for the next few weeks, please wait to send them. We are unable to honor next day requests due to the volume. We have a new machine that has only been working for 2 weeks and we already have over 210,000 copies on it. We are also running 3 other machines.
In planning ahead for next fall, please consider sending your requests earlier in the summer.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Friday Copy Service Update
Please help us by putting the date you need the copies on your request form. It is helping us to determine what you need by Tuesday or Wednesday for the beginning of school. We try to get teacher work done the next day if you request it. Other requests like newsletters, booklets, spiral bindings and carbonless requests will take longer than 1 day. We will be working this weekend to get the copies out to you in the delivery.
Have a great school year!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
media catalog
Please call us with questions. 253-0361
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Copy Service update
We are interviewing from the civil service list to find a replacement for Melissa who accepted a job in the maintenance department over the summer. We hope to be back to full staffing soon.
Please call if you have questions or concerns.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
still unpacking
The board voted to name this building the Cayuga Onondaga BOCES Regional Education Center, so you will begin to see that name as we move forward. We are planning for the Open House in September.
Our new media catalog is up and running. The address is Teachers can log in with their name and school phone number. Booking can be done online and confirmations will be sent as e-mail. Please be sure to enter your e-mail address.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Getting Settled
New copiers have arrived and training is also taking place on them. It is exciting to be in the building.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
The BIG Day is here!
Phones go active in the new building tomorrow morning. The phone number and fax numbers will stay the same. We will report for work in the new building tomorrow. We have waited a long time for this and it is very exciting.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
New New New
Our new copiers will be set up on Thursday. The color copier has been moved. The old copiers will be moved in a few weeks. There will be some delays on copy service while we make the transition.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Move update
Our WAN connection will move on Thursday August 9 after 4 PM. There will be some downtime for our e-mail, moodle and web servers, but we plan to have everything back up by Friday morning. Our streaming server, OPALS server and MediaNet server may be down for a longer period of time.
Monday, July 30, 2007
The network is working internally and we are waiting for the external connections to be live. Phones are to go live next week.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Odyssey of the Mind
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
LTAC dates
September 13, 2007 This is a change
October 18
November 15
December 20
January 17, 2008
February 14
March 20
April 10
May 15 at OCM at noon
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Posting of New Information
The move to the new building has begun. The Media Library and Repair "stuff" was put on pallets and loaded into two tractor trailers. It has been unloaded and the unpacking has begun. Copy Service will move next.