Wednesday, July 25, 2007

LTAC dates

The LTAC (Learning Technology Advisory Committee) meets monthly in the Distance Learning Room. Meetings are from 10- noon. Scheduled meeting dates are:

September 13, 2007 This is a change

October 18

November 15

December 20

January 17, 2008

February 14

March 20

April 10

May 15 at OCM at noon


Anne Mlod said...

Does each district have a representative on the LTAC? If so, who is Auburn's rep? How are the reps determined? Are the minutes/agendas posted online?
Anne Mlod

PS I like your blog! What a great way to keep people updated on what's going on in your department.

Linda said...

The LTAC reps are determined by the districts. They are usually tech coordinators. In Auburn it is Dave and Sandy. I plan to post updates on the blog.